Tick Free New Hampshire Campaign
Goal: To educate and protect the New Hampshire public about Lyme disease prevention and avoiding a tick encounter
Overview: JSI has created Tick Free New Hampshire, a social marketing and grassroots media campaign. Target audiences for the campaign were parents of children ages 2 to 13 and recreational outdoors enthusiasts. This health messaging campaign educates the public about how to prevent tick encounters and potentially contracting Lyme disease. It includes video PSA production, social media, print materials, a website, and local events. JSI continues to collaborate with a range of state and community partners, including the Tick Free NH Council, throughout the state to identify, prioritize, and fund Lyme disease prevention awareness. The Tick Free NH campaign is currently being adapted for the states of Rhode Island and Maine.
- Over 75,000 materials have been distributed to over 1,500 schools, camps, and day care centers statewide.
- The Tick Free New Hampshire campaign received a Gold for Best Public Safety Campaign in the 2024 National Social Marketing Awards; an Honorable Mention for General Campaigns in the 2022 Ragan’s PR Daily Awards; and Bronze Award in the NPHIC 2017 Berreth Awards for Excellence in Health Communication.
Dates: 2015–current