What Works in Youth HIV Project
Goal: To build the capacity of those serving youth at high risk for contracting HIV
Overview: Since 2015, JSI has worked with the Office of Adolescent Health to run the What Works in Youth HIV project, formerly known as the Adolescent HIV/AIDS Prevention National Resource Center. JSI has redesigned and expanded the website, which contains over 300 curated resources to help youth-serving professionals convey information about HIV to youth in straightforward and respectful ways. Resources vary, are updated continuously, and take into account diversity, including race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, age, and life circumstances. The What Works in Youth HIV project also offers technical assistance to professionals aiming to meet the needs of youth at highest risk for HIV/AIDS.
Results: As of June 2017:
- 47,794 total website pageviews
- 14,753 total website visits
- 9,681 unique website visitors
- 277 Twitter followers
- 722 Tweets
- 244 likes on Twitter
- 591 subscribers to mailing list
Dates: 2015–current